How do we keep these things from flying off at 80mph

The Boland Brothers plot before the river

A quick meal before we get on the river

the other half of the table

The river a little bit calmer than the Tuolumne and about 30deg warmer

Kyle The one with the Map

Picture this you are out in the middle of the desert. Its 102 degs
and you are just interring the high wall of Santa Elena Canyon
in Big Bend National Park. A blind corner is before you and in
the distance a beautiful eerie voice begins to fill the otherwise
silent air. As you make the turn you are met by this gentleman.
It is his voice that was so beautifully eerie. All he asks for is a
Coke in exchange for his song, unfortunately all we had was
water and Tequila. He chose the Tequila.

{Fatty Patty} it was a bachelor party.

Camp my Canoe Mate

The Coyote pup {Peyote} that we found on the river bank. She now lives with Camp
his wife and several other pups out near Marfa.

The Boland Boys doing some sorta of ritual fire

Doug Davis performing acupuncture so Kyle could clean
Robert's wound that he sustained traversing a bamboo
grove so thick that your feet didn't touch the ground.
There was much debate as to whether Robert should
receive field stitches or wait till we were back in town
the next day. The later was the prevailing decision. He
ended up having it stitched up back in Dallas 48 hr later.
Robert's wound that he sustained traversing a bamboo
grove so thick that your feet didn't touch the ground.
There was much debate as to whether Robert should
receive field stitches or wait till we were back in town
the next day. The later was the prevailing decision. He
ended up having it stitched up back in Dallas 48 hr later.

Here are a few of the photos from the other Bachelor party River trip that I took earlier this summer. This one was to celebrate my friend Robert Bolands marriage to Jade. The trip was a 4 day trip on the Rio Grande River traveling 20 miles through the Santa Elena Canyon in Big Bend National Park.